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Principles for Responsible Investment in Farmland

A group of institutional investors currently representing US$1.3 trillion in assets have launched the Principles for Responsible Investment in Farmland (the "Farmland Principles") with the goal of improving the sustainability, transparency and accountability of investments in farmland. onValues provided facilitation support to the working group that drafted the Principles.

The Farmland Principles offer institutional farmland investors best practice guidelines in the areas of environmental sustainability, labour and human rights, land and resource rights, business and ethical standards, and transparency. They were developed and endorsed by the following institutions: AP2 (Sweden), ABP (Netherlands), APG (Netherlands), ATP (Denmark), BT Pension Scheme (UK), Hermes EOS (UK), PGGM (Netherlands) and TIAA-CREF (USA), all of whom are signatories to the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). These institutions will continue to work on implementing responsible investment in farmland via the PRI's newly formed Commodities Work Stream.

Download the Farmland Principles
«The Principles for Responsible Investment in Farmland»

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