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onValues contributes an analysis of climate change related investment research to the 10th Euro Finance Week in Frankfurt

Ivo Knoepfel onValues managing director, participated in the 2nd Corporate Responsibility Conference in the context of the 10th Euro Finance Week on 22 November 2007. In his presentation he shared results of an analysis of the growing volume of sell-side and independent research focussing on climate change issues. While most of the research still focuses on impacts from regulatory developments (e.g. risks and opportunities related to the EU emissions trading system), he observed that an increasing body of research assesses business opportunities related to new products and technologies, and risks (and opportunities) related to the physical impacts of a changing climate. Positive is also the fact that the coverage of sectors and regions continues to widen, as well as the time horizons of researchers’ analysis. In the same session, representatives from Germanwatch and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research presented a stochastic approach based on Bayesian risk analysis that analysts can use to evaluate the impact of uncertain input factors on company valuations.

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«Financial analysts‘ coverage of climate change related issues – An update»

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